Quality Control

Quality is the cornerstone of all activities at Pil Pharmaceuticals Limited. Every product manufactured meets the internationally accepted standards of quality, Purity efficacy and safety. A state of the art quality control/quality assurance department monitors all quality matters at each plant. The departments is outfitted with sophisticated equipments which include HPLC, FTIR, gas chromatograph, A auto samplers, auto titrators, ICH complaint stability chambers and more, the company also has a sophisticated microbiology lab to take care of bio burden and other tests.

Quality Assurance

A strong quality assurance department at Pil Pharmaceuticals ensures quality till the consumer end. It regularly conducts quality audits and ensures the compliance to the procedure adopted.

Quality assurance conducts training on GMP and GDP to keep the personnel’s upgraded.

Overseas Market

The focus remains on expanding business in emerging markets with the help of a strong product basket, each country is supported with local regulatory team and infrastructure for registration of products. Pil Pharmaceuticals stands to deliver its export obligation under any circumstances with top class quality products and timely deliveries. It is for this virtue that the company commands the respect from its business partners across the globe.